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Business Overview
Government Legal Affairs and Administrative Litigation

Guoyao Qindao Law Firm has rich experience, extensive resources, profound skills and pragmatic spirit in the field of government legal affairs and administrative litigation, and provides professional legal services for provincial, municipal and district governments and their functional departments as well as various public institutions all year round. It involves legal education and training, compliance review, government information disclosure review based on application, government major emergency legal services, government procurement legal services, administrative reconsideration case agency, administrative litigation case agency, hearing, complaints, reports, petition matters compliance review, government legal counsel, PPP special consultant, personnel and labor relations dispute resolution, school and kindergarten safety accident prevention Such as all-round, multi-level, one-stop content.


With the two main lines of "serving the government's rule of law construction" and "safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of administrative counterparts", Guoyao Qindao Law Firm has won unanimous praise from relevant customers by virtue of its legal literacy, independent perspective, political acumen and strong sense of social responsibility.

Services Offered
  • Drafting, revising, and reviewing important government legal documents
  • Legal opinions and legal argumentation for major government decisions
  • Dispute resolution, including administrative litigation, administrative reconsideration, civil and commercial litigation
  • Government investment and financing projects, public-private partnership (PPP) projects
  • Legal services for government procurement projects
  • Assistance in handling legal and petition-related incidents
  • Legal services for public opinion management
  • Legal services for government administrative hearing procedures
  • Professional risk prevention for government employees
  • Emergency response management for government incidents
  • Consulting and specialized advisory services for the investment and financing operations of state-owned assets
  • Consulting services for government investment promotion and attraction
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Represented a provincial enterprise in successfully overturning the first administrative penalty case involving the revocation of a decision by a city’s public resource trading center, eliminating the negative impact on the client and ensuring the smooth progress of a key project. +
Represented Shandong Shining Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. in an administrative contract dispute with the Lixia District Science and Technology Bureau. After extensive efforts, the plaintiff voluntarily withdrew the lawsuit, avoiding the loss of state-owned assets and preventing negative social repercussions. +
Represented the Lixia District Civil Affairs Bureau of Jinan City in a property lease dispute with Shandong Quanyun Property Management Co., Ltd., resolving long-standing historical issues and recovering over RMB 100,000 in losses for the Civil Affairs Bureau. +
Represented the People’s Government of Lixia District, Jinan, in an administrative penalty dispute with Shandong Baishi Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. The two-instance rulings upheld the administrative penalty, playing a key role in regulating the construction engineering industry and preventing safety production accidents. +
代理济南市西蒙西智能科技有限公司向济南市生态环境局提起环保行政处罚复议及诉讼,判决撤销行政处罚,为委托人挽回损失近百万。 +
与青岛市老城区企业搬迁改造建设指挥部办公室签订《青岛市老城区企业搬迁改造法律服务合同》,为青岛市老城区企业搬迁改造项目提供房地产、企业搬迁、改制重组及合资合作、融资、信访等专项法律服务。 +
与青岛高新技术产业开发区管理委员会财政局签订《专项法律事务服务协议》,对青岛红岛经济区2019年棚户区改造项目第一批、第二批、第三批项目专项债权发行提供专项法律服务。 +
与青岛市司法局签订《督促惠企政策落实法律服务合同》,参与青岛市督促惠企政策落实,服务企业发展专项法律事务。 +
作为威海市人民政府顾问参与处理“5·25”龙眼港二氧化碳泄露事故。 +
作为平度市人民政府顾问参与处理3·13平度市居民楼爆炸事故。 +
作为青岛世界园艺博览会执行委员会法律顾问,为青岛世园会提供了从征地拆迁、招投标、项目建设,到知识产权保护、运营风险预防、法规汇编、驻场坐班等全方位法律服务,参与处理多起应急事件。 +
参与青岛市人民政府七百余件规范性文件及政府文件合法合规性审查。 +
参与青岛市人民政府权力清单审查,审查梳理青岛市人民政府四十余工作部门权力清单事项,累计达九千余项。 +
代理济南市历下区人民政府与猥亵女学生的大学讲师许某行政处罚一案,维护了女学生的合法权益和社会的公平正义,裁判文书入围“2021全国法院优秀裁判文书”评选。 +
作为青岛市人民政府法律顾问,参与处理“11·22”中石化东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸特别重大事故。 +
承接济军基地全面推进部队停止有偿服务移交专项法律服务项目,所涉移交人员7000余人,社会用工300人,需要移交妥善处理的历史遗留信访问题近300起,以及48个独立核算单位的清产合资及部分军队土地移交地方政府等法律专项服务,成功完成该项上至国务院、中央军委,下至联勤保障中心、省人民政府都极为重视和关注的一次历史性移交项目。 +
代理济军基地涉及到军队土地纠纷案件163件,整个部队全面停止有偿服务移交专项项目涉及到46万余亩土地以及各类房屋、厂房等建筑物、构筑物、固定资产,合计总金额达到70亿元。 +