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Business Overview
Public Welfare

For a long time, Guoyao Qindao Law Firm has always been adhering to the original intention of lawyers, deeply integrating social responsibility into the development strategy of the law firm, with the heart of public welfare, the virtue of charity, and the ability to practice law. While expanding its business, Guoyao Qindao Law Firm has actively cooperated with legal experts and scholars and public welfare people, committed to jointly promoting the construction and development of the rule of law of public welfare and charity, and practiced social responsibility. Continue to pay attention to and invest in the field of public legal services, do not forget social responsibility and public welfare undertakings, participate in various legal aid and public welfare activities, set up lawyer volunteer service groups, and carry out public legal services at the grassroots level. Walk into the campus, explain to teachers and students campus safety and road safety preventive measures and accidental injury treatment methods; Entering factories and mining enterprises, explaining contract law knowledge to enterprise managers and workers; Go into the community, introduce the Civil Code and other relevant knowledge to the community residents.


In the future, Guoyao Qindao Law Firm will continue to uphold the concept of "doing things with great love and being a man with a grateful heart", while constantly pursuing excellent legal services, always remember to give back to the society as its own responsibility, take the initiative to assume social responsibilities, and actively contribute to helping build a safe and legal Shandong "golden sign" and promote the construction of a modern strong province in the new era.

Services Offered
  • Establishment and operation of public welfare funds and trusts
  • Compliance legal services for public welfare organizations
  • Formation and operation of charitable organizations
  • Daily legal advisory services for public welfare and charitable organizations
  • Provision of legal aid
  • Representation in public interest litigation cases
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
Notable Cases
Guoyao Qindao Law Firm provides integrated solutions for global clients.
As a member of the Shandong Provincial Legal Aid Criminal Cases Lawyer Group, conducted legal lectures for inmates at the Shandong Women's Prison and handled over 90 legal aid cases. +
Since July 2010, participated in the Ministry of Justice's "1+1" legal aid action in Yunnan Province's Honghe Prefecture and Guizhou Province's Wangmo County, providing legal aid services. Under the guidance of local authorities, conducted legal awareness campaigns and resolved social disputes, ensuring the proper implementation of the law. +
Implemented the leniency system for guilty pleas, working closely with lawyers stationed in detention centers, prosecutors, and courts to provide legal consultations and legal aid applications for criminal suspects and defendants. +
Actively implemented the pilot project of full coverage of defense lawyers in criminal cases, providing criminal defense for criminal suspects and defendants without defense lawyers, protecting their legal rights. +
国曜琴岛与青岛市图书馆共同组织发起《说法》公益普法讲座,内容涉及劳动合同及工伤认定、竞业限制、夫妻共同财产认定与离婚财产分割、民间借贷等众多领域。 +
自2015年以来,作为共青团青岛市委法制大讲堂讲师团成员,多名律师受共青团青岛市委指派,每年利用课余时间,进入高校、企业义务举行法制公益讲座。七年来,相关律师利用其职业优势,举办讲座累计数十次。 +
作为青岛市首批十家青年创新创业法律服务站之一,国曜琴岛的广大律师利用这一平台以及青岛市政府采购惠企服务的“东风”,为青年创新创业提供法律咨询、方案论证等多类型公益服务。 +
2017年8月8日以来,国曜琴岛成为山东省残疾人福利基金会法律顾问,在残疾人维权、法律咨询、文书服务、非诉法律事务、法律培训、基金募集等多方面提供相关服务。 +